TM Smart Helmet is a data driven smart industrial or
safety helmet. An IOT solution that helps worksites
become safer by providing live, wireless monitoring, and array of sensors (i.e. accident impact and geolocation) to perform various analysis.
The array of sensors provide real-time data about the personnel to the cloud. Analytics algorithms then crunch the data to offer meaningful and actionable information to the supervisors, the workers team on the ground and the lead of the team.
It can be used to track their helmet and status of the on-board sensors. They also have a panic button to request immediate response in case of emergency. The helmet itself can be used to make calls to the supervisors and give them option to be tracked or not.
It allows the supervisors to monitor attendance, track personnel, be informed of incidents, analyze past incident logs and hotspots, detect when users are not wearing helmets at site. During emergency and evacuation, the supervisors get first-hand information about the location, severity of the incidents and scale of evacuation.
Remote video calls can be made from the portal
for accessing damage during emergency and training purposes at other times. Offers the latest communication protocols for LTE, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for all scenarios.